Tuesday, March 29, 2011

And Again...

KMcElman_100502_3813_H A letter R letter R

Fun Name Thing

IMG_7079 letter M letter I L letter Y

Tiny Chair Model

This is the tiny first model that started the inspiration for my final design. I called it "the tree stump throne" based on the relationship with my grandpa that I am basing my project off of.

First Chair Prototype

This is my first prototype of my cardboard chair. I'm going to change a few things before the final is due Thursday, but I'm staying with the original design concept. This design idea came from the paper that I wrote about an important relationship in my life. I wrote about my relationship with my grandpa in Tennessee, who I call "Granddaddy". 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

First Attempt at a Cardboard Chair

This is my chair made from a 4 by 4 foot piece of cardboard. It's more like a stool really... We aren't allowed to take any cardboard away or use any other materials with it. It was challenging, but this one supports my weight. It is stronger in the corners of the triangular seat, so if we get a chance to re-do it, I'm going to work on the strength of the center of the seat.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Treehouse Model

Here's the first picture I took of my model. I actually like it... It definitely looks like my sketches and what I wanted my treehouse to look like.

Now I need to take a picture of it somewhere more interesting- probably in my tree somehow?

Persona?? Are we Wayfinding Again?

I've decided to make my treehouse for this next project for myself.
So I'm my own persona.
I'm always in need of someplace to sit and relax in between classes- whether it's to read, do homework, or just nap. Sometimes it's a hassle to go back to my room for a short period of time and it would be nice to have somewhere like that on campus.
So a treehouse would be perfect for me!
My tree is right by Potter Lake with a view of the lake and the Campanille to the right. It's a very calm and serene atmosphere.  I want there to be all glass on that side of the treehouse so the view can be enjoyed from inside.

This also helped me come up with some of my ideas:
-I don't like ladders, so a staircase (maybe a spiral one) would be better
-I like modern, simple and clean architecture, so I think I will try to design it with that in mind
-I like bamboo wood.
-I want something cozy and comfortable, not something elaborate and huge.