Monday, September 27, 2010

Understanding Comics Reading Reflection

I actually really enjoyed reading these two chapters out of "Understanding Comics". I thought the way that they showed the many different ways that different things can be represented was very interesting. The comic book format was a lot more fun to read than a normal text book would have been and I think that the visual examples definitely helped me understand exactly what they were trying to convey. This  "Understanding Comics" reading was definitely my favorite excerpt that we've read for class so far. I think I learned a lot from the reading and felt more prepared going into this third project.

Lots and Lots of Drawing

With 80 sketches due during every studio class, this project has definitely been the most time consuming that we've had so far. Although it has been a lot of work, I actually feel like the sketches have definitely helped me understand my object better. I personally liked the category of drawing with a different type of marking tool the best so far. I think it was the most fun and it sparked the most creativity for me. I feel as though the more sketches I do of my object, the more detailed and precise they get. I think that each different category of drawing that we are doing has taught me a little more about my object and allowed me to become more thorough and detailed in my drawings.
I'm excited to see where we go with all of these drawings to get to the final project.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ideo Video Summary

In the video, Ideo was working on a project to design a new shopping cart. They sat for a very long time brainstorming as a group. They shouted out any idea they had, no matter how ridiculous it sounded, and sometimes the crazy ideas lead to something they can actually use. After the brainstorming session, they all split into groups and made their own rough prototypes. They all came together and decided on the best ideas from each of their prototypes and collaborated to make a final design. They tested their shopping cart in a grocery store and used the feedback to decide how they would fine tune their shopping cart before they would actually produce them for use.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brainstorming Pictures from Class on 9/7/2010

Sketching as a group

Concept Map Some brainstorming ideasOur new product namemore brainstorming ideasSketch of a new handle