Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First Steps for the Fourth Project

My Favorite 6 Representations from the first 20 we did by cutting and pasting.
Today in class we critiqued our favorite of the representations that we did this week for homework. After talking with the class, I decided that I really like the hourglass idea and the funnel idea. Also I want to play with the circle idea more, maybe making the circle smaller and allowing the white letters to spill over the edge a bit.
Also, today we started the pathfinder explorations and the new representations using Illustrator. I like the way these are coming out when they're are a little more refined using the computer!

Definition of my word for Project 4

For project four, we had to pick a word from a word list. I picked the word "squeeze".
The definition of this word is:
 1.       to press forcibly together; compress.

to apply pressure to in order to extract juice, sap, or thelike: to squeeze an orange.
to force out, extract, or procure by pressure: to squeezejuice from an orange.
to thrust forcibly; force by pressure; cram: to squeeze threesuits into a small suitcase.
to fit into a small or crowded space or timespan: The doctorwill try to squeeze you in between appointments.
to enclose (another person's hand, arm, etc.) in one's handand apply pressure as a token of affection, friendship,sympathy, or the like: His father squeezed his hand andwished him luck.
to give (someone) a hug.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Final Poster Critique

My poster after we rearranged it as a group.
My poster as I had it at the beginning of class.
On Tuesday, we had our final day of critiques before we print our final third project. I thought the group critiques were incredibly helpful... I definitely feel more comfortable after I received their advice. The most helpful things they told me to do is to make sure all of my different images with color are the same pink, and to flip two of my images onto their sides so that I add some variety. We're printing a smaller version of our poster to bring to class Thursday. I'm excited to see what it looks like all put together.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Progress on the Third Project

After doing all 16 categories of sketches and finally finishing all 320, I've realized how much benefit I can get from continually sketching the same object. Out of 320 sketches, I'm bound to come across something good, right? Now the hard part is going to be picking the best ones out of all those sketches to edit in illustrator and photoshop for the final project. Going through all the sketches in class and having a critique on all the different types definitely helped me narrow down my options. I also really liked getting to see what the rest of the class did with their sketches. Everyone's looked really good! I'm excited to see which sketches everyone picked for their final project tomorrow.