Monday, September 26, 2011

Flamingo Foodtruck

We found out last class that we will be graphically designing a food truck and its menu and uniforms for the second half of our project. For Tuesday, we have to come up with five names for our food truck and a menu of what we want to serve. Here are the names I came up with for my flamingo themed truck:

-Flock o' Tacos
-Flamingo Bob's (which would serve Kabobs of course!)
-Fruity Flamingo
-Flaming Flamingo
-Frosty Flamingo

For my menu, I was thinking of a "make your own taco" kind of deal if I go with the Flock o' Tacos idea. I'm a very picky eater, so I enjoy these kind of choices. They could choose their shell, their meat, their toppings, and any add ons like drinks or chips.

I also liked the idea of a Kabob truck for either Flamingo Bob's or Flaming Flamingo. I think this would be a different type of food to serve and it would lend itself well to the audience of a food truck (since it's portable.)

For the Fruity Flamingo restaurant, I was thinking of serving smoothies.
Then for Frosty Flamingo, I would serve ice cream (since it is my favorite food) and it would feature the "Pink Flamingo Sundae" which would be made of completely pink ingredients.

I'm hoping that some feedback tomorrow will help me narrow my choices! I'm leaning towards Flock o' Tacos and Flamingo Bob's as of now, but I'm excited to hear feedback and everyone else's ideas!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Final Poster Design

This is my final poster design. In our critique on Thursday, I got some good feedback. I made a few minor changes to my last layout. I made the three sketches in the bottom right corner a lot smaller, and moved the top left sketch closer to the top. I think its almost ready to print!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First PHMD Project




I'm so excited for my first Photomedia project! We had to take photos of the elements and principals of design. These are just a few examples of what I came up with. I still need to find an example of scale, and maybe shoot some more examples of the other ones just to make sure. We're not allowed to manipulate these photos at all... so this is how they looked right off of my camera. I'm excited for the next assignment ("Modernist") so I can get into editing the photos using Lightroom and Photoshop.

And... Poster Revisions

Here are two of the revisions I did on my first poster designs. I think that these are a lot more interesting and dynamic. I played more with scale and size... Also I wasn't so reluctant to overlap my images and mess with the opacity. I think I definitely got away from the grid, which was my major goal for the revisions. We got an extra day for this project, so we will be looking at poster revisions and critiquing them tomorrow. I'm excited to get some more feedback... I think I'm heading more in the right direction!

Poster Time!

Well... I have to say I struggled with my first poster layouts for my flamingo project... It was VERY hard to get away from the grid that was so firmly enforced in Think and Make. Here is one of my first tries... which I will definitely work on and revise. I need to make it a little less spaced and a lot more dynamic. I want to play with scale and turn the newspaper clipping into black and white (so there won't be any colors in my poster except for pink). I just plan on playing around with the different sketches until I find something that works better! I think it's important to remember, like we discussed in class, that this poster isn't about representing our entire body of work. That's what the process book is for.