Monday, February 27, 2012

A Few More Photos


Color Scheme- complimentary 

Color Scheme- triadic
For the past two weeks, we've been working with color. Last week we did an assignment called saturated monochrome. Everything in the frame had to be one color (like the gray assignment). This week we did color schemes. We had to include complimentary color schemes, analogous color schemes, and triadic color schemes.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Colorful Grey

This weeks photo assignment was called colorful grey... We had to take photos of completely grey color. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be!  This is the one I chose to print- it's of the pedestrian walkway below the 12th street bridge downtown. I liked it because I thought it showed a few different variations on the "color" grey. The rest of my photos are posted to my flickr photo stream! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A break-through on my page layout... finally

I think that I've finally come up with a design that I'm happy with for my spread in the book. It's still the same poem, just a little bit of a different take on the tree than the last time. All of the text (and maybe some of the leaves) will be printed with polymer plates. I'm going to make a linoleum stamp for the branches and the rest of the leaves. Could be time consuming, but I'm thinking it will look nice! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Colorful Light Photos

This is the photo I decided to print and mat for class... I think it was the best photo that fit the assignment. The rest are posted to my Flickr stream.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oh yeah and...

I just loaded my second assignment from PHMD 222 onto flickr! This time we had to take photos of as many different sources of artificial light as we could find. The objective was to help us see the difference in color of the different light sources so we can use them correctly (or avoid them completely) in future assignments.

Layout Revisions

After Monday's studio, I felt like I had a lot of work to do on these layouts for today's class. The professor seemed to like the ones with the big leaves the best, but I still wanted to try more with the full tree (since it was my original idea). I think these are even closer to where they need to be, but they definitely still need some work. Hopefully I'll get more helpful ideas from class today.