Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Final Book Arts Spread

I just finished printing and cutting my spread today in Book Arts. This is what my final spread looks like. We have one more run on the letterpress to do on Friday... then next week we are binding our 16 editions.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

HDR... the "right" way

So, in class this semester we learned how to use HDR (high dynamic range) to our advantage in photographs. For a few photographs in the "changing city" series I did this week, I wanted to try this new technique. It's composed of three different images of different exposures and I used vector masks to hide what I didn't want in each layer. I did like how I was able to get detail in both the shadows under the bridge and in the sky behind the bridge, which was a problem I faced in some of the single- exposure photographs.

The Changing City

this is the photo I printed for class
For this assignment, I wanted to depict the altered cityscape of downtown Kansas City. I've noticed that, especially in the more deteriorated parts, there is a lot of evidence of change throughout the city. Whether it be something small, such as graffiti, new paint, or a cluttered alleyway, or something larger, like the removal of an entire building, many aspects of the city change over time. I wanted to show the evidence of these changes in this series.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Opening Weekend at Kauffman Stadium

For this week's PHMD 222 assignment, I wanted to capture the spirit of opening day at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City. Here are a few of the photographs from the series. The rest will be on my Flickr!

Monday, April 9, 2012

First Stitching Attempt

I've been working a little bit with a new technique I learned- stitching. This is my first attempt at putting together multiple photos (digitally anyway) to make one image. It's definitely got the fish-eye effect going on, but I thought it was pretty interesting and decided to post it anyway!

Man versus Nature

This is the photograph I plan to turn in tomorrow for this week's photography assignment. I wanted to portray the constant relationship between man-made and natural elements of our landscape. Sometimes, the human presence disrupts the natural landscape entirely and other times, the natural landscape overtakes the unnatural.
Even though trees are a natural part of the landscape, the human-planned placement of these trees illustrates the effect of human presence on the natural scene. 

Doors of Kansas City

(this is the photograph I chose to print for class)
For the last assignment in PHMD 222, I did a project on the doors of downtown Kansas City. I've always been intrigued by their uniqueness and the way they add character to each of their buildings, so I thought this would be an interesting concept to capture through photographs.