Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowpocolypse 2011

Basically, our group decided to help freshman smokers in the design building get to a smoking area that follows university policy (which states you must be 20 feet away from every part of the building to smoke). This type of wayfinding system would be beneficial to the entire KU population. The non smokers will be able to stay away from potentially harmful second hand smoke both outside and through windows or vents. The smokers will also be able to avoid fines. This is a very relevant issue because it deals with the safety of the people around campus. If it was not important, I do not think there would be a policy written in the by-laws about it.

Our group met outside of class last night, despite the snow storm, and we actually got a lot done! We made an outline of what we want to present during our final presentation and a list of things we still need to do. James also had a really great interview with the director of HR at the University. She seemed very interested in our project and wants to know what we come up with. We also worked on possible signs and brainstormed on how to revise our plan due to the snow. The snow could possibly create new challenges for us... We had planned to mark our smoking zones on the ground, but now we ma have to look at other possible options. We discussed lighting and other types of signs that could help. Even using a sense of smell, like following the smell of cigarette smoke, is an option we could look at.

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