Monday, November 22, 2010

Final Location Photos for Project 4

On the bridge between the Union and the Union parking garage- portrays architectural addition, but it was a little too dark because of the shadow cast by the roof of the bridge.

Parking Garage at the Union- Shows the addition of the word itself. It also looks kind of like a math problem in the way it is set up on top of one another. I also like the way the light reflects off of the letters.

Inside the Union parking garage- I really like this location. I think the pictures turned out really well. It portrays two different views of our letters in the same frame, showing the shadow as an addition to our actual letters.

Roof over the stairs to the tunnel over the Union- This place also portrays an architectural addition. this structure is an addition to the building and is also newer than the actual building. This was my personal least favorite location, because I didn't think it portrayed the word as well or as obviously. I like the reflection of the sunlight in this location as well. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Final Top Three Locations for Project Four

We decided on our top three locations.
Our locations are all at the Union. One is on the bridge connecting the parking garage and the actual union building. This would portray the definition in the architectural sense.
Another is the parking garage. From the side, we could place our letters on each ledge spelling out "add" "it" and"ion" to show the addition of the word to create the entire word. There are also opportunities for good shadows in the parking garage.
The third location is the bus stop/ stairs to the tunnel. This serves as another example of the architectural meaning of the word. It is also a more dramatic and easily seen place for our letters.

Reading Reflection #2

Photography Reading
This essay was also very interesting and it definitely pertains to my major of Photomedia. I was definitely excited to get to make a photo essay for this project, and this reading definitely further explained the purpose of using photos to document. I liked how it helped to distinguish between what is thought of as “art- photography” and “documentary.” Based on this reading, I think that what we are being asked to do in this project is more of a documentation because we are showing our process from beginning to end, and it is not only for aesthetic purposes. This reading helped to show the history behind photography documentation and also the methods that are used. 

Reading Reflection #1

“Parts of the Letter”
I thought this reading was very interesting. It taught me a lot about the different parts of the letters, what they are called and how they differ between different fonts. Having this knowledge definitely helped me and my group make an informed decision about which font we wanted to use for our letter constructions. Because of this reading, I knew that serifa was a font with serifs, meaning that it has small feet at the base of every letter. Futura is sans-serif, meaning that it does not have these little feet. As a group, we decided that we wanted to use a sans-serif font because our “t” would look more like a plus sign, further emphasizing the meaning of our word, so we chose futura. This reading taught me a lot of important facts about font that I can use in this project, but also in the future. 

HOW to take the Pictures

As a group, we decided that it would be interesting to take pictures of the word both as an entire word and broken up into "add" "it" and "ion." That would be close to "add it on" and would help to convey the meaning of our word. If they were stacked on top of each other like this, they would almost look like a mathematical equation. I think we should experiment with looking at them from below and above and even with the letters. Especially since many of our locations are off of the ground.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Location #5 for "Addition"

Stairs in the Park by the Spencer Museum of Art
I really like this location. I personally like the idea of stairs for the word "addition." I think that putting a few letters on each consecutive step would convey the meaning of "addition" well. The stairs are very interesting and the trees provide a more aesthetic background for the photo. Also, there is a lot of traffic through this area, so we could observe the reactions of people around our word.

Location #4 for "Addition"

Entrance to Bailey Hall
One of the definitions of "addition" talks about an addition to a building. The modern entrance attached to the older building definitely shows an addition to Bailey Hall. We could place our letters inside or outside of the entrance.

Location #3 for "Addition"

Fire Escape
I like this location because there are many different views and angles that it can be viewed from. Also, there would be a lot of traffic through this area so we could see how people interact with our words. I think the stairs definitely would emphasize the meaning of our word.

Location #2 for "Addition"

The Back Stairs of Nunemaker
I like this other view of Nunemaker because it also has lots of stairs. There is a stair well with a glass window in the upper right hand corner that sticks out from the rest of the building... That could also be considered an architectural addition. I think it would be fun to place the letters on the inside of the window and it could be viewed from both the outside stairs and the inside stairs.

Location #1 for "Addition"

The Side Entrance of Nunemaker

View from Top of Stairs
Addition of Balcony?
I like this location because it not only has the stairs that our group talked about using in our location, but it also has little concrete stumps that we could possibly place our letters on. The view from the top of the stairs and the view from the bottom of the stairs are very different, so it would offer some variety. Also, there is a balcony on the second floor that could be a literal "addition" to the building. There are lots of options at this location.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Definition of Group Word for Project 4

Our group word is "addition."
It means:
the act or process of adding or uniting.
the process of uniting two or more numbers into one sum,represented by the symbol +.
the result of adding.
something added.
a wing, room, etc., added to a building, or abutting landadded to real estate already owned.