Monday, November 22, 2010

Final Location Photos for Project 4

On the bridge between the Union and the Union parking garage- portrays architectural addition, but it was a little too dark because of the shadow cast by the roof of the bridge.

Parking Garage at the Union- Shows the addition of the word itself. It also looks kind of like a math problem in the way it is set up on top of one another. I also like the way the light reflects off of the letters.

Inside the Union parking garage- I really like this location. I think the pictures turned out really well. It portrays two different views of our letters in the same frame, showing the shadow as an addition to our actual letters.

Roof over the stairs to the tunnel over the Union- This place also portrays an architectural addition. this structure is an addition to the building and is also newer than the actual building. This was my personal least favorite location, because I didn't think it portrayed the word as well or as obviously. I like the reflection of the sunlight in this location as well. 

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